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Where to look on the shelves

Collisions and COLREGS 363.12365 and 623.8884
Safety and SOLAS 623.88 and 623.888
Pollution prevention and MARPOL 344.046343
Navigation and ECDIS 623.89 to 623.893
Ship stability 623.8171

Pilot book collection - look just inside the library door.  Take these books to a classroom if you need to.  For any other books, see a librarian or the reception staff.

Code of Safe Working Practices for Merchant Seafarers (CoSWP)

Find the link to Code of Safe Working Practices for Merchant Seafarers at the bottom of the Regs4Ships homepage under "Popular links".  Look for abbreviation CoSWP.

Maritime incidents CHIRP 2021

NZ marine incident and accident reports